If you would like to help on the AA committee, contact Linda W. at 951-545-2098, fill out the volunteer sign-up form, or send her an email message.

Friday, April 4th

Time Leader/City Topic
5:30 pm Jill G., Corona Experience, Strength, and Hope
8:00 pm Katrina B., Sylmar Change is Inevitable

Saturday, April 5th


Time Leader/City Topic
6:00 am Jami R., Mira Loma Willingness to Stay Sober
8:30 am Richard & Debbie S., Riverside Happy, Joyous and Free
10:00 am Diane C., Corona Growth Through Pain

Join us in the Empire Ballroom
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
for the Luncheon/Speaker Meeting

2:30 pm Kristina C., Corona Serenity and Your Higher Power
4:00 pm Shawna O., Norco Hope and Healing
8:00 pm Beth Y., Corona The Promises